domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

It's Halloween, isn't it?

Ok, you win. Let's do some Halloween activities.  
You are not ESO kids anymore. So, no time for word search or coloring ghosts :-(
 We are serious resarchers and now it's a golden opportunity to prove it. During the next TWO lessons we are going to find out about different aspects of this festivity, and make presentations with the results as suggested in this 

Note: To present the final product, instead of a collage, we will do multimedia presentations which will be shown here. You can use the 'Impress' or 'Powerpoint' programs included in your computers or you can try with Prezi, Powtoon or any other online presentations. Find more about this  HERE 

Remember, the deadline is THURSDAY, 31 (well you can submit it on Friday too, but you'll have to come to school with it :-)) And don't forget to read carefully ALL the information at the EVALUATION tag to know what exactly we will grade in this activity.
Good luck!!

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Welcome to my life

A  new school year has just begun  and on this occasion we start a new stage in our training too. Why not look back and revise those moments which in one way or another have made up our lives so far?
We have already been working in class and in our Edmodo platform with the language of past time expressions, have seen the essentials of timelines and have made our first drafts. Now it's time to share our productions and to show our followers what we have found out in this couple of weeks.
To make the final versions of our timelines I suggest you to use TimeRime but if you are more familiarised with any other tool and you want to use it, it's OK. The important thing is that you show us your work. 
Here is my timeline. 
I look forward to seeing yours.

Here you can find some links to the timelines of some of your classmates. We hope we can see them inserted  in their own blogs soon.
-Andrea M.
- María L.
- Carmen M.
- Nerea S.
- Marta E.
- Javier V.
- Antonio S.
- Emanuel C. 
- Paula A.
- Joaquín R.
- Christian B.
- Antonio M.
- Tamara F.
- Elvira J.
- Andrea H.
- Nayra R.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Have a look at this book

"Contrast 1" is the title of the 'official' English textbook for BCH1in our school. We'll talk about how we will use it and when and where you can get it. But before anything, if you have the time, you can surf on the following binder that a teacher from Catalonia has prepared for her students, so you can learn about the book and find out which activities, lessons, grammar points, etc. will be included in the different units of the book.

You can also visit the PUBLISHER'S WEB where you will find listening materials, extra activities and more information about the contents of your textbook.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

This Town Rocks!!

Would you like to have a "Hard Rock Cafe" in your town??
Now, this possibility may depend on you and your business skills. We've just received a letter from the HRC's managers in Orlando (USA) stating their intention to open a new Cafe in the province of Granada. 
As you can see in the attached letter, they want us to prepare a multimedia presentation of our chosen location. 
In about three weeks' time (mid March), a board of HRC representatives will visit us to assess our presentations and choose the most appropriate offer. 
In order to organise this work in the context of the classroom, we will work in groups. Groups will be be formed according to the town they choose, but in case there are more than three students for the same town they will split in 3's and will do their work in different locations within that town. 
Later on, we will give you more info about the members roles and new tasks we'll have to do to achieve the final task.

We'll continue in EDMODO. See you there!!

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Pecha-Kucha for Martin Luther King

To celebrate the "MLK Day" this year, we are going to organize a Pecha-kucha Day. In pairs we are going to create a presentation of 20 slides of 20 seconds each based on the biography of Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. his beliefs, his activities, speeches... You can choose to include audio in the presentation or make a script, and explain your slides 'live' in front of the audience. 
When you've finished writing and checking everything, don't forget to write a post in your blog and embed your presentation there. Here we will link them in order to allow other students and visitors see your work. 

Andrea H.
Marta E.
Javier V.
Christian B.
Carmen M.

martes, 8 de enero de 2013

New Year, New House!

Yes, with the new year, we are moving home.
We won't forget our blogs, wikis, etc. but will include a new 'container' for our work. Our classroom has already its own room at EDMODO.
Edmodo is an education platform which allows both teachers and students do, keep and organise their work as well as share it with other classrooms, teachers...
We will have to discover new features of this space and learn to use it as efficiently as possible, but to start with, you will have to follow these steps:
1. Go to click on the button 'student' and fill in the registration form including the class code that the teacher will give you.
2. Fill in other details in your profile and 'customize' your home page on the platform.
3. Check the calendar and find if there are any tasks to be performed, the deadlines, etc.
4. At home, you can also access to your space at Edmodo and, if you want, install the Edmodo App on your smartphone or tablet.
5. Write a post on your blog, announcing your new workspace (don't forget to include a link)
Good luck!